The look of confusion at APHA – Atlanta

It’s been several years since we attended our last APHA Annual Meeting and Expo. Because of the success of my new book “Selling Public Health”, I thought it might be worthwhile to go to the conference and meet with possibly more directors and administrators of health departments. Much like the July NACCHO conference in Pittsburgh, Read more about The look of confusion at APHA – Atlanta[…]

Emergency Messaging – Are you READY??

Over the past 30 days, we’ve had many of our health department clients impacted by hurricanes Harvey, Irma and Maria. From the USVI to Florida, Texas, Georgia and South Carolina, these storms have highlighted how important it is for your health department to provide up to date information to callers before, during and after the Read more about Emergency Messaging – Are you READY??[…]

Henry Ford – Vincent van Gogh and your health department

  One of the most enjoyable parts of helping health departments go from obscure to well-known agencies is when administrators have “light bulb” moments. These “ah ha” moments often come when they discover simple steps that were right under their noses, many they can adopt immediately. How did I see these lost opportunities when they Read more about Henry Ford – Vincent van Gogh and your health department[…]

The Selling Public Health Book Launch

Selling Public Health – The Book After years of interviewing administrators and directors of health departments and formulating a step-by-step system of marketing, I am pleased to announce my new book, “Selling Public Health” will be published by the end of October. If you would like to order a copy, please send an email to Read more about The Selling Public Health Book Launch[…]