Is Your Team Lethargic?

You’ve seen them! Help wanted signs everywhere, signs of slow delivery, tapped out supplies and restaurants cutting their hours due to a lack of employees willing to work. At first it seemed as though this anomaly was caused by Covid and the government’s stimulus money helping some people to earn more staying home than clocking-in. Read more about Is Your Team Lethargic?[…]

What Henry Ford, Vincent van Gogh and your health department have in common?

One of the most enjoyable parts of helping health departments go from obscure to well-known agencies is when administrators have “light bulb” moments. These “ah ha” moments often come when they discover simple steps that were right under their noses, many they can adopt immediately. How did I see these lost opportunities when they did Read more about What Henry Ford, Vincent van Gogh and your health department have in common?[…]

Is money on the way?

The presidential election drove a huge wedge between people of differing political ideologies. Now that  it is over, the new administration is seeking a $1.6 billion funding increase for the CDC and to improve core services at the federal and state level. There is also an increase in funding for preparedness of roughly $900 million. Read more about Is money on the way?[…]

Montgomery County Health Department, Success During Pandemic

Since 2008 local health departments have lost about 25% of their staff due to budget cuts that still have not been restored. As painful as those cuts were, what has been particularly troubling is how ill prepared our system was to address the pandemic and beyond. Many public health professionals have opted for early retirement, Read more about Montgomery County Health Department, Success During Pandemic[…]

Why some succeed during a crisis in spite of failed local leadership….

Our history is full of national tragedies, financial ruin, world wars and pandemics yet during those dark times businesses thrived. How? When there is a slowdown, one of the first reactions is to curl up and lay low. To cut back, to take a conservative, wait and see path. While this path seems safe, it Read more about Why some succeed during a crisis in spite of failed local leadership….[…]

Pretzel Logic?

Pretzel Logic? No, I’m not referring to the album by Steely Dan……. The other day I had a call with a group of my clients about how branding and marketing are as important to their health departments as the furniture and carpeting. Even more so… One administrator shared, the days of non-stop traffic coming through Read more about Pretzel Logic?[…]