Are you satisfied?

How many of you are 100% satisfied with where your health department is right now?

Nearly every week I hear from health department leaders who are struggling to figure out how to stop the bleeding. Many are concerned that they are losing their agencies to budget cuts and lack of funding. Others are frustrated that their staff just don’t seem as committed as they are. Some of them are downright angry that nobody in their communities know the health department is there, (let alone what they do)!

I hear about less grants, lazy politicians affecting funding, shrinking markets and even state and federal dizziness about public health. This is where I tell them that as much as we know they are part of the problem, it’s not the feds, the state or the county, it starts with you!

If you are doing business the same way you did it 10 years ago, you are missing the boat. Flexibility is the key to change in public health!

Going to work on yourself and your personal growth will have a massive impact on how you grow. Being open-minded to new ideas is crucial. Don’t be stiff, don’t fall prey to “terminal professionalism”. Think outside of the box!

One of my monthly coaching clients is from a county health department that serves approximately 17,000. They are in the early stages of hopefully moving their health department from a house to a new building they hope to get funding for.

When I first met their leadership, they shared with a giggle that the floors in the house they are using have soft spots! They laughed about their situation because they have the right mindset and intend to knock the socks off their competition for services like flu shots and family planning.

It is enjoyable to work with them because they are not satisfied, they are not comfortable, they are committed to making strides with a “trackable” plan we are implementing.

And you now what? They are focused, motivated and enthusiastic! From the administrator to the front desk receptionist.

My personal coach told me once, “In the absence of going to work on ourselves daily, we backslide!” No matter how good you are at what you do, you can always get better.

Never be satisfied!

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