6 Tips to End Your Year on a High Note

It’s here: November and the last 60 days of the year. This is a great time to focus on improving your approach to marketing.

While most plan on coasting through this time of year thinking there are no improvements that could make the year better than ever, why not take a hard look at the following?

1. It’s well known that 20% of our efforts produce 80% of our successful output. Why not look at what your 20% input is?

2. It is often said that repeating the same mistakes over and over is the definition of insanity. What mistakes did you make in the past year that cost you a new business or lost you good customers?

3. This is a great time of year to take a look at new technology, ideas for marketing, ways of thinking and develop a new paradigm for your company.

4. Try free-thought goal setting. Simply take a sheet of paper and write down your goals for the next year without taking too much time to worry about whether or not they are doable. Freethinking while goal setting will bring amazing results that you never dreamed possible. What new clients would you like?

5. For the next 60 days, exercise what I call “Abundant Mentality.” Take stock of all of the great accomplishments you have made so far this year.

6. Live in a spirit of gratitude. Thank your clients for allowing you to serve them.

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