
Unlike so-called experts who want to sell you a bunch of hocus pocus, our programs are designed to get you and your staff educated on what to do and on what works in the real world.

Marketing is not hard if you have a step-by-step plan to follow. But having a plan is only the first piece of the puzzle. For your agency to start a chain reaction, each and every employee must understand their role!

From the receptionist to the administrator and everyone in between, recognizing opportunities and knowing what to do to promote your agency, can triple your effectiveness with zero cost!

From online webinars to onsite Marketing Bootcamps your agency will experience quantum change for the better, instantly!

We offer workshops for local health departments and behavioral health centers as well as entire state  and national associations.

Testimonials from workshops:

“We are using a lot of the social media techniques you taught at the boot camp, and we did learn a lot of new techniques that we plan to implement in the near future.” 

“I am so happy we had the opportunity to attend this workshop.  We have shared this information with our staff and now have a plan to follow, thank you!”


We specialize in providing targeted marketing services and training for public health departments, behavioral health centers and other government agencies where there is a gap between the agency and public awareness.

We create and implement custom marketing programs to fit any budget or need. More importantly, we empower our clients with proven tools and knowledge to immediately stop wasting time, manpower and money on worthless advertising schemes.

We guarantee results!